Upgrade from Smart Kanban to IKS at beyerdynamic
beyerdynamic GmbH & Co.KG located in Heilbronn (near Stuttgart, Germany) has decided to upgrade from the Kanban tool “Smart Kanban” which has been used in the past to the Basic Package of the IKS system.
The upgrade on IKS happens without any problems and very fast due to the modular architecture of the manufactus Kanban solutions.
The beyerdynamic Kanban team has used Smart Kanban for managing the existing Kanban loops and printing of Kanban cards in the past. The team recognized the higher potential of the professional e-Kanban system IKS. So they decided to upgrade the system.
By using IKS, beyerdynamic wants to link more external suppliers to the Kanban system. Additionally the internal Kanban loops will be supported and improved in a more efficient way.