e-Kanban with IKS – LEAN, SMART & SIMPLE!

Lean Manufacturing Solutions

Inventory reduction and having maximum material availability at the same time is just one of many examples, how to achieve certain goals with the help of our e-Kanban Software IKS, by improving your Kanban System step by step.

Examples of application are available for free by reading our Kanban case studies.

Or learn more about the possibilities of our electronic kanban pull system in the description of the IKS e-Kanban modules.

Based on various Kanban solutions we are able to offer the right software package also to small and medium-sized companies.

By the way: our e-Kanban system IKS provides special operational solutions for supplier Kanban, transport Kanban, production Kanban, finished goods Kanban and customer Kanban!

Therefor Kanban is not equal to Kanban, let us convince you!


e-Kanban System Software

For companies which want to make their existing Kanban processes easier, faster and more efficient:


IKS offers the following advantages:

  • Suitable for all company sizes
  • Low priced starter packages
  • Especially also for SMEs
  • Licenses for rent or purchase
  • Capturing of Kanban movements
  • Transport- und Production Kanban
  • Supplier Kanban
  • Pull Production Scheduling
  • Dynamic e-Kanban Boards
  • Avoiding of missing parts
  • Kanban Calculation
  • Kanban Analysis and Optimization
  • Multi languages

IKS Smart Kanban Factory

To implement E-Kanban 4.0 in production and logistics, we work together with innovative hardware and software partners.

Our IKS SMART KANBAN Factory provides

  • the use of all types of barcode readers
  • the connection of back-of-hand scanners (NIMMSTA, ProGlove)
  • Sensor Kanban racks (E-Rack) for automatic Kanban signals
  • Weighing and filling level system from our partner TeDaLos
  • RFID integration of our partner tagItron
  • the use of pick-by-light systems from our partner SpeedyPick
  • Connection of the existing ERP system through a universal interface
  • Connection of other IT systems such as warehouse management system (WMS), MES and BDE

Therefor our Integrated Kanban System IKS is the central digital building block for linking the classic Kanban processes, new innovative hardware and the existing IT systems and to ensure a continuous flow of information for the implementation of modern Industry 4.0 applications.
We simply call this “KANBAN 4.0”.


Visit us at the following fairs in 2024 / 2025:

LogiMAT 2025 in Stuttgart, Hall 5, booth 5A11 (same booth as in 2024)

LogiMAT 2024 in Stuttgart, Hall 5, booth 5A11

Learn more about the innovative e-Kanban solution IKS in the following video:

Latest eKanban news:

Kanban 4.0 – E-Kanban as key element

Kanban is an efficient tool for managing internal and external material flows in production and logistics. However, many companies are also in the “digital transformation” phase…

NIMMSTA and manufactus announce partnership agreement

…The Integrated Kanban System from manufactus in conjunction with the Industrial Smart Watch from NIMMSTA allows these PULL processes to be organised much more efficiently…

New E-Kanban Partner in Costa Rica

manufactus GmbH, a specialist in the field of “Kanban” for almost 20 years and of one of the world’s leading providers of E-Kanban software, has been able to gain a new partner in Tri Tech Robotics Costa Rica…

Make-To-Order Kanban – „Pull & Push in Harmony“

New functionality of the Integrated Kanban System (IKS)
The E-Kanban System IKS of manufactus GmbH allows the management of Non-Kanban-Parts…

Data Flow and Industrie 4.0

Our Excellence Partner for Eastern Europe, Mrs. Venuse Dolejsova, has published an interesting article about “Data Flow and Industrie 4.0“.

The Original Puplication is only available in Czech language, so we have translated the article for you…

The e-Kanban system IKS has been successful worldwide for more than 20 years!

Contact us

Please contact us for further product information, LIVE-Demo or for an offer about our e-Kanban Solutions and Workshops!

Our Team of Kanban experts can help clarifying your requirements and optimizing your Pull processes.

If you need support to implement a Kanban System or to optimize your existing Kanban processes, we are 100% sure our team is the right choice for you.

We offer different Kanban workshops, coaching and consulting to improve your Kanban system as well as the implementation of further Lean methods.

Our local Kanban Excellence Partners are able to support you on the Kanban and E-Kanban implementation or in the scope of “Lean Production”.

Since more than 20 years we are “the” experts in „electronic Kanban“ worldwide.

Our new web-based e-Kanban solution IKS makes your Kanban System easier, faster and much more efficient.

The Integrated Kanban System offers a lot of functions to support Supplier Kanban, Production Contol with e-Kanban boards, automatic re-calculation of Kanban levels and the optimization of inventory levels and delivery lead-times plus many more helpful functionalities…

For more information visit us on:


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